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Scare Your Friends - Halloween 1.1
Hot Android Apps
This is an app that let's you choose scarypictures, pair them with scary sounds and then scare the bejesusout of your unsuspecting friends. Watch them lose it as theterrifying image you select comes screaming out of nowhereaccompanied by one of horrifying sounds.What's even trickier about this version is that it's buried in aarcade game. So you choose the picture, the sound and the timer,hit start, and hand your unsuspecting friends a harmless lookingarcade game that THEY think is a timed challenge. Little do theyknow that within seconds, the scare of a lifetime awaits.For even MORE fun, there is an option to secretly record theperson playing the game and you can capture, up close and personal,every ounce of sheer terror they feel when the arcade game turnsinto their worst nightmare!How to play:It's quite simple really :First you setup the app then follow these steps:1. Choose the picture you want to scare your friends with2. Choose a shocking sound effect to go along3. Set the timer for when you want it to go off!When you press start, a small arcade game will begin. Hand thegame over to your friends and let the scare begin.They will never know what hit them.
Anti Mosquito Prank 1.0.1
Hot Android Apps
Welcome to the best mosquitorepellantapplication on the market.With this one application, you can deter and repel any andallmosquitoes that come within harms reach of your tenderskin!The app works by emitting ultrasonic, high frequencynoises,undetectable by the human ear, which get into the heads ofthosepesky SOBs and drive them nuts! Scientific research has shownthatmosquitoes CAN’T STAND certain sound wave frequencies and wehavecaptured those frequencies and are passing them on to you sothatyou may live forever mosquito free! You can play with thedifferentsettings of sounds to create a favorite sound and you canalso mixand blend repellent sounds to create your own, uniquesuperrepellent. You can also user the timer function to tell yourappexactly how long you need it to run!We advise you to keep the volume of your device as highaspossible and to play with the frequencies in order to findtheperfect sound combination and get maximum repelling bang foryourbuck!The app is not 100% guaranteed to work on ALL mosquitoes butitwill definitely work on most of them!The sounds emitted by the repellant cause no detrimentaleffectto humans as the human ear cannot pick up any sound waveover20KHZ.Say goodbye to those pesky mosquitoes and may you neveritchanother mosquito bite again!(This app does not actually repel mosquitoes or any otheranimalsfor that matter, it is a repellant simulator intended foruse as aprank or joke and it will DEFINITELY provide hours of funwith thosefriends of your who aren't tech savvy!)No product is 100% effective, so follow these tips tokeepmosquitoes at bay:Make sure you have screens on all your windows, get a nicebigmosquito net to put around your bed.Some kinds of mosquitoes are drawn to light, so turn offallunnecessary sources of lights, unless of course youuseanti-mosquito candles or incense.If you go outside in mosquito ridden areas, wear long pantsandshirts, preferably made from a tight knit fabric.Mosquitoes breed and live in bushes and shrubs as well asnearopen water like ponds or lakes so if you are planning onheading tosuch an area, make sure you follow the rules above, andbring yourmosquito repellent!
Voice Lie Detector Prank 1.0
Hot Android Apps
Simply ask your friends and family aquestionyou want to know the truth about, record their answer, andlet thismiraculous app tell you just how honest they really are!This app will record any sentence or question you record andthensend it through our state of the art algorithm which analysesamyriad of factors in order to give you the truth.Great fun for parties and gatherings and an invaluable toolwhenyou want to see just how well you know the people closesttoyou.WARNING - This is not a real lie detector as such a thingwouldbe impossible to put in a phone, but it's great funforparties.How to play:Press start, have someone say something into the recorder,pressstop, and the app will analyze the sentence and tell you if itistrue or false! It can also be used in a question/answerformatwhere you ask the question, record someone's answer, hitanalyze,and let the app tell you if their answer was true orfalse!Lie detection, also referred to as deception detection,usesquestioning techniques along with technology thatrecordphysiological functions to ascertain truth and falsehoodinresponse. It is commonly used by law enforcement andhashistorically been an inexact science. There are a wide varietyoftechnologies available for this purpose. The most common andlongused measure is the polygraph, which the U.S. National AcademyofSciences states, in populations untrained in countermeasures,candiscriminate lying from truth telling at rates above chance,thoughbelow perfection.They added that the results apply only tospecificevents and not to screening, where it is assumed that thepolygraphworks less well.Voice Stress Analysis (VSA) technology is said torecordpsychophysiological stress responses that are present in thehumanvoice when a person suffers psychological stress in responseto astimulus (e.g., a question), and the consequences of theperson'sanswer may be dire. This is based on the belief byscientist andresearchers that non-verbal content of the voicecarries, amongother things, information about the physiological andpsychologicalstate of the speaker.